Mount Pleasant Primary School, Thurso.

Mount Pleasant Primary School already has a wonderfully interesting and colourful nature garden, so when I made my initial visit to the school, staff and pupils agreed that if they were going to make mosaic panels for outdoors, then it would be an excellent idea to place them at the entrance to the school so that everyone, pupils, staff, parents and visitors would all benefit from their cheerful presence every single day.    

Along with the pupils, I settled on the theme of the four seasons and the pupils got busy drawing up some designs.  The general quality was so high, however, that I couldn't just choose one design per season; I ended up incorporating elements of many pupils' designs into each of the panels, making them full of life!    


mountpleasant8I then spent a couple of days in my own studio, transferring the designs to the panels (keeping as close as I could to the original children's drawings) and preparing all the materials.  Once at the school, I was ably assisted by a really dedicated group of pupils and staff, all of whom were quick learners!  We even managed to complete the work in the three days I had optimistically set for the school visit.  Well done everyone!    

Below are some pictures taken by me during the process.  However, the school janitor took lots more and so, once the school send me those, along with some taken of the completed panels 'in situ', during the unveiling at the school  Open Day, I will add more to this page.  Keep looking!

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Email :    Tel : 01854 666279,   Postal Address : Jan Kilpatrick, Cul Mor, Elphin, By Lairg, Sutherland, IV274HH.  

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